100-Mile Thanksgiving Vancouver

This year embrace your love of local food and do Thanksgiving on the 100-Mile Diet!

top ten reasons...

Imagine: this Thanksgiving if every Canadian ate a dinner of locally grown food we would reduce our collective greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 70 million kilograms. A compact car would have to drive around the earth over 11,000 times to emit an equivalent amount!

Still not convinced? Here are the top 10 reasons to eat local food this Thanksgiving:
  1. Local Wild Salmon.
  2. The cheeses from Saltspring Island and Little Qualicum Cheeses are so delicious.
  3. The last of this year’s corn.
  4. Pumpkin Pie with whipping cream.
  5. Heritage tomatoes!
  6. Purple potatoes!
  7. Wine from Domaine de Chaberton.
  8. Local hazelnuts (mmm... hazelnuts)
  9. You’ll emit 2 kilograms fewer greenhouse gases.
  10. Celebrating the local harvest is why we have Thanksgiving in the first place!
Happy Thanksgiving!